Title 1
Edmonds Elementary is identified as a Title I school as part of Every Student Succeeds Act 2015 (ESSA). Title I is designed to support State and local school reform efforts tied to challenging state academic standards in reinforce and enhance efforts to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I program must be based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support parental involvement. All Title I schools must jointly develop with all parents a written parental involvement policy.
In support in strengthening student academic achievement, our Title I Involvement Policy was developed jointly with
parents, teachers Parental, and School Council Committees. This is a plan that describe how Edmonds Elementary will provide
opportunities to improve parent engagement to support student learning. Edmonds Elementary values the contributions and involvement of parents in order to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways that Edmonds Elementary will support parent engagement and how parents can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at school and at home.
Edmonds Elementary School invited all parents to attend our Annual Title I meetings to review and revise this Parental Involvement Policy along with the school wide plan, school-parent compact, parent engagement budget, and annual survey which are all available to view on our school website. The plan is in the front office, parent resource center, it is posted on our school website. Parents will be able to submit feedbacks throughout the school year. All feedback received during the year will be used to revise the plan for the next school year. We also distribute an annual survey and ask parents for their suggestions on the plan and use of funds for parental involvement. Parents can also give feedback during several parent meetings and activities during the school year. Edmonds Elementary School welcome parent’s input and comments at any time regarding this Parental Involvement Plan.
All students participating in the Title I, Part A program, and their families, are encouraged and invited to fully participate in the opportunities described in this plan. Edmonds Elementary School will provide full opportunity for the participation of parents with limited
English, Parents with Disabilities, ESOL, Pre-K, Homeless Education, Transition from Elementary to Middle, Middle to High School, parents of migratory children, and other programs deemed appropriate.